Appointment information for patients & their families
Where can I take my child to see Dr Ngu?
Dr Ngu consults with patients & their families in her private rooms at Canberra Paediatric Specialists in Deakin.
She also runs a public Paediatric Surgery Clinic at The Canberra Hospital, Yamba Drive, Garran, ACT.
Dr Ngu performs surgery at Calvary John James Hospital (private) and at The Canberra Hospital (public).
Fees & Payments
There is a fee to see Dr Ngu in her private rooms, which is partially covered by the Medicare rebate. You will be advised of this fee at the time of booking your child’s appointment. Private health funds do not cover any clinic appointments.
There is no fee to see Dr Ngu in the public clinic at The Canberra Hospital.
GP referrals are valid for 12 months from the date of your child’s first appointment with their specialist, while specialist-to-specialist referrals are only valid for 3 months. Please ensure your child has a valid referral - without one, you will be unable to claim the Medicare rebate and you will need to cover the full fee charged. If you are unsure whether your child’s referral is valid, please contact the reception team.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between being a private or a public patient?
If your child requires surgery then you can elect to have this performed either privately at Calvary John James Hospital or as a public patient at The Canberra Hospital.
If you elect to have your child’s surgery performed privately, you will able to choose a date of surgery that suits your family. Dr Ngu will perform the surgery herself. It is extremely unlikely that surgery would be cancelled on the day (unless your child is unwell). There is usually a gap fee to pay. You will be advised of all possible costs at the time of booking the surgery.
If you elect to have your child’s surgery performed in the public system, there will be no costs involved as they are covered by Medicare. Your child will be placed on a waitlist and you will be offered a date for surgery by The Canberra Hospital when time becomes available. As The Canberra Hospital also runs emergency theatres, there is a chance your child’s surgery may be cancelled on the day due to emergency cases. As it is a teaching hospital there will be training surgeons and doctors who will participate in the surgery, although always under Dr Ngu’s close supervision.
Does Dr Ngu perform circumcisions?
Yes, as a day surgery operation under general anaesthetic after the boy is 6 months of age.
What is the waiting time for an appointment?
Generally 1-2 weeks.
What is the waiting time for surgery?
In the private system, wait time for surgery is usually within 1 month.
In the public system, your child will be waitlisted according the urgency of their surgery.